Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting.

I've always heard that writing is a good method of stress relief. So, I figured I'd try it.

I'm currently on week 3 of waiting to hear back about the Walt Disney World College Program. This is my 2nd time applying, having declined it for the Fall 2011 program, unfortunately. This time - I'd accept it in a heart beat. And go figure, they're keeping me waiting and I'm stressing out beyond all belief.

It's incredibly hard to watch everyone get accepted while I'm just sitting here with no news at all. Since they've changed how they do it, we have a "dashboard" where we are able to see our progress. Since day one, I have been "in progress." I've had no emails about pending or the such. And believe me - I am beyond thankful for that. But I'm just struggling with staying positive this go around.

Hopefully, I hear soon. Tomorrow would be beyond grand. Then I can really kick into blogging full force!

Until a later day,


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